The beginning of the year means I get to spend some quality time with two of my favorite little guys for their yearly birthday photo session! Their mom, Kim, always comes up with some fun ideas for each of these sessions, to make them a little more special for the boys and different from the family photo session that they do with me each fall. This year she purchased tiny tuxedos for her twins! Say that five times fast... ;-)
Both boys looked so dapper in their tuxes. I knew of a perfect location to fit in with the formal, but still fun, vibe that the tuxes added to the photo session.
I think the boys might have been channeling James Bond. I assume they like their chocolate milk shaken, not stirred...
The addition of sunglasses gave the look more of a "Men In Black" feel. Meet Agent N and Agent L! They were two cool little dudes!
I had fun spending a little individual time with each of the boys. Their personalities are so different and they had a great time hamming it up for me in front of the camera.
We had some amazing light in the woods as the sun started to set. I just love how their black tuxes pop off of that warm, golden background!
We finished the session up with a few studio shots so the boys could show off their trademark green and blue birthday sweaters. They even remember who gets which color from year to year.
Happy birthday, boys! I had so much fun at your session and I know you did, too. And if anyone out there is desperately seeking two adorable ring bearers for your wedding, give me a call. I'm pretty sure I can hook you up!

gah! these are gorgeous pictures and what sweet young men!! That session must have been a blast!!